Meet the Political Rascals, a motley crew of a grassroots collective voice in the community, founded in 2019 who formed their very own state PAC in just 3 days. Six of the 11 Political Rascals were in attendance at our meeting, Clinton Edminster, Amanda Hollowell, Coco Papy, Michelle Solomon (not pictured), Molly Lieberman, and Tre Singleton. They spoke passionately about why they formed a PAC and their mission to teach young people how to be engaged and understand politics.  What first started as just a group of like-minded friends transitioned into this group of "rascals." They realized that money was needed to impact real change and created a PAC out of spite and love for the community. Their PAC was formed as a legal mechanism to make political contributions specifically for certain goals and candidates; however, their focus is on the policies versus the candidates. As a state PAC, they support legislation in Georgia and all 11 Political Rascals have to be in agreement for any type of support to be given. Their goal is to make progressive change with providing a whole new excitement around civics and politics with new age mechanisms and technology for communication. In 2019, the Political Rascals' goal is to make politics accessible to the common people so that all have a voice, with voter engagement as a high priority on their list.